Sunday, January 12, 2014

One Week's Whirlwind

Friends, good morning from chilly New York City, a place your good friend Sarah is really loving being able to call home.  I love this place, I love the pace, I love that my taxi the other night literally hit another taxi, and they just flipped each other off and kept going.  I love the energy.  I love that I meet such interesting, smart people who are doing unique things in all sorts of fields.  I love being in a bit of a center of the world, where everyone you meet seems to be doing something cutting edge, thoughtful, special. 


In NYC we do not talk about the weather as the main topic of conversation.  We do not talk about people as the main topic of conversation.  We do not keep false Friends around.  We do not only talk about grade school or high school stories:  we go make new ones while remembering with fondness where we are all from.  We talk about ideas and boundaries, we plan adventures and push ourselves to learn more, to see more, try more, be more.  While I love the comfort and familiarity of my home back in the Midwest and have a very special place in my heart for Minnesota, always, I know that my time there helped prepare me to see just what I can do, while here, in NYC.  I am eager and ready, and I am going to do it ALL while I can, so jump on in and be part of it, because it will be an adventure, no doubt about it.


I have found exactly where I need to be in my life at this moment, and I could not be happier, though I am busier than ever (and that says a LOT about me, as you know, because my world, my location, my vision and plan, sometimes changes by the hour, there are so many moving pieces and people to take care of).  People who do not understand me refer to my ever-busy, ever-changing life as drama, because I feel things like an artist---sometimes more intensely than others, plus I like a good story, but when it comes down to it, I am a businesswoman, and I have constantly intense things going on, always, and I like making as many people happy as possible.  Someone told me I make them feel like the center of my world, when in reality, I have about 45 other people I do the same things for, and I would have it no other way. 


I feel like I am a Chef on expo, 24/7, or a conductor leading Wagner, or a surgeon doing a double transplant, there is so much going on right now, all at once.  I need people in my life who can keep up, or, I need them to accept my sweet little smile and quick hug as I gently ask them to…well, get out of the way, so that I can do other things and we can catch up later.  In short, I am busy and happy, and I am using every MOMENT here to live, really LIVE life and do all the things I want to do.


I have missed writing to you, and when I do not get the chance to write, I just feel….off…but it was a barnburner of a week last week, and I had to just…keep up with life.  Forgive me as I use this writing to you today to just catch up and keep track of all I have going on. 


·         Went to Richard the III (incredible performance—one of the best I have ever seen in any form, in my entire life, honest to God)

·         Went to Die Fledermaus (very underwhelmed…lots of flash, not lots of substance.  Not my favorite.)

·         Hosted 2 different sets of Friends who were stranded in NYC due to flight cancellations (yay!  Time with Friends!)

·         Booked trip home to Minneapolis Feb 15-22

·         Confirmed teaching class for graduate school in Minneapolis Feb 22 and April 5

·         Confirmed board meeting for classical music organization during Minneapolis trip Feb 17

·         Confirmed board meeting for condo association during Minneapolis trip Feb 18

·         Confirmed board meeting for medical research group Feb 19

·         Started planning restaurant preview dinner at my Minneapolis loft

·         Booked mom’s trip to NYC Feb 7-9

·         Booked restaurant reservations for mom’s trip plus Thomas’ trip to NYC Feb 3-5 and Feb 7-9

·         Mapped out plans for sister’s bday Feb 15

·         Reviewed and extended lease in current apartment to buy me more time to find new NYC apartment

·         Reviewed Minneapolis real estate options for current loft versus renting it out

·         Renewed annual business registration legal filings

·         Renewed business insurance policies, retrieved riders for all clients

·         Reviewed and made 2014 HSA fund contributions

·         Mapped out 2014 financial goals for SEP and IRA with planner, made contributions

·         Got payment commitment from client who owes me a high five figures’ worth of late payments for expense reimbursements for 2013

·         Paid 2014 insurance premiums for umbrella policy, auto, condo, special riders for personal effects

·         Reviewed will and last testament, plus succession plan for clients for disaster & recovery planning

·         Reviewed over 4 dozen medical publications for new clinical project

·         Drafted slides for upper management meeting for Client B

·         Negotiated budget for new client’s review

·         Finished review work for biggest client of over 1 million lines of patient safety data in Excel

·         Wrote up 2 request for proposals for new clients for new projects

·         Reconnected with previous client that I loved working with

·         Checked out Spice Market, Miss Korea, PDT, Pearl & Ash, East Pole restaurants, fell in love all over again with the entire Boulud restaurant group

·         Completed a quick stage at Pearl & Ash (love this place, LOVE this team!)

·         Continued my work 2 days/week at my current restaurant that I love so very much
·         Secured office space in NYC to work out of in exchange for pro bono work, with one of my favorite doctors
·         Confirmed surgery procedure observation dates/times
·         Mapped out potential publication ideas with one of my doctors, to get him more research funding and to get my bibliography beefed up
·         Volunteered for pro bono work on a diagnostic idea that is super cool
·         Made new girlfriends to spend time with (hooray!)
·         Booked time at the Frick to see the Dutch masters
·         Tentatively booked vaca dates with D to Puerto Rico, Kauai or Brazil, because baby girl needs some Down time in between her Up time
·         Postponed South Africa trip, tentatively booked Brussels trip
·         Left potential relationship behind due to challenges, mapped out what the other would take to make it work, scheduled 2 first dates and one second date
·         Mapped out plans for goddaughters’ visit to NYC
·         Confirmed new restaurant PR boundaries and plans
So, it was a banger of a week, and this one will be no different.  As I sip my coffee and think about all of you who I love so much, I feel lucky and happy, grateful and humble, to be connected to so many of you and to see all the wonderful things we are doing together.  Big things are coming, and I feel energized and ready.
Wishing you a week of hyper-organization and fluidity to constantly adjust and roll with it, as we take on the world, once again, and are grateful for the people around us who either help us do that, cheer us on, or get out of the way and laugh along with us as we work so hard to shine, shine, shine.  Life is good, and as you get it all done, you have to remember to stop and hug each other on the way, and that is what I wanted to do with you today.
Lots of love from New York, and a hug, too, in between my little whirlwind of happiness today.  Thank you for being there for me! Let’s go take on the world together!
Your Good Friend Sarah

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