Friday, February 14, 2014

Agenda 15FEB2014 - 02MAR2014

Friends, greetings from gloriously sunny New York City, from your good friend Sarah, who wishes you a very, very happy Valentine’s Day.  Coupled or not, show yourself a little love today by being gentle with yourself and not having expectations, and everything will turn out AOK, I promise.


As I pack and plan for my trip home tomorrow, I again put together a ridiculously packed agenda, in order to get organized and get everything done that I need to. 


I miss home.  I miss my Friends, my loft, my kitchen, my world there.  I love New York but it has been beating me down lately, and I need to recharge and refresh, before my travel schedule again gets hectic.  For those of you keeping track of when we’re meeting, here you go, see below.  Today, especially, I cannot WAIT to hug you in person!

Lots of love from NYC, soon to be Minneapolis,

Your Good Friend Sarah

AGENDA / Minneapolis Feb/March 2014 

Saturday 15 FEB 2014

·         Arrive MSP from NYC/LGA on Delta 1619, arrive 6:19pm CST, Eric picks me up at MSP

·         7:15 Dinner at Haute Dish with Eric, IT consult


Sunday 16 FEB 2014

·         8am swim with Coach Lance

·         Get groceries, get wild rice for Dr. K’s pheasant dinner, pick up bday cards for sister, Grma H, Grpa H, Grma M, nephew, brother, godmother

·         Wrap present for sister’s bday

·         11:30am Sister bday brunch + pedicures with mom, sister and niece

·         2pm set up for Chopin Society concert at Macalester College

·         3pm Chopin Society concert

·         6:30pm Pick up Peggy for Gastro non Grata/Shannon Blowtorch event with The Rabbit Hole at Triple Rock Social Club / 629 Cedar (tickets held at WillCall).



Monday 17FEB2014

·         6AM swim coach

·         7:30AM – 10:30AM work on client B work

·         11AM brunch/lunch with Carrie at Pittsburgh Blue

·         3pm meet with client KF to review med literature summaries, plan clinical trial

·         6pm CS board meeting in Edina

·         Make time for follow-up conversation with T


Tuesday 18FEB2014

·         7AM-1:30pm work at client B

·         Go to DMV to request passport update asap plus extra pages

·         2pm meet with client R for project management planning

·         4pm HH with client CEO J at Bulldog, bring scotch

·         6pm 5ASW board meeting

·         9pm Quiet time at home

·         11:30pm conf call with Australia team


Wednesday 19FEB2014

·         8AM meet US Accountant at his office, review Belgium tax law

·         9:15am Meet with IS Consultant in Minnetonka / update website content

·         Bank / safety deposit box review

·         11AM work at Client B

·         5:30pm set up for Thank You Dinner at Bar La Grassa with Bad Wedding party planning team / view pictures

·         9pm plan Costa Rica business trip with Travis


Thursday 20FEB2014

·         7am swim with Coach Lance

·         Send birthday card to Grandma H

·         9am breakfast at Good Day Cafe with Heather

·         11AM – 6pm work at client B

·         6:45 dinner at Bachelor Farmer with Jimmuh

·         11:30pm conference call with Australia team


Friday 21FEB2014

·         8am-5pm work at client B

·         Print grad school class materials

·         Dinner with Katie M – Travail?


Saturday 22FEB2014

·         9am – 1pm teach grad school

·         Dinner with Liz & Manuel, location TBD

·         Late night at the W--DJ set


Sunday 23FEB2014

·         9am Moose & Sadies / Breakfast with Jason & Alison or earlier to watch gold medal hockey!

·         Quiet time



Monday 24FEB2014

·         Work with client B all day

·         Call Grma H to wish her happy birthday

·         Meet with Dr Burmeister about thyroid

·         Dinner: The Rabbit Hole, bring present for baby Kyu


Tuesday 25FEB2014

·         6am swim with Coach Lance

·         Work with clients B and C all day

·         6pm dinner with Maureen & fam


Wednesday 26FEB2014

·         Swim with Coach Lance

·         Work with client C all day

·         11:45 Lunch with Mike at Origami

·         Dinner with Paul & Samantha


Thursday 27FEB2014

·         Work with client B all day

·         Dinner with Christian & Drew, location tbd

·         11:30pm Possible conf call with Australia team


Friday 28FEB014

·         6AM swim with Coach Lance

·         Work with client B all day

·         5pm / eat at 6:30 / Make dinner for Tom, Marisa, Fran, Joe, Ken at Tom’s house (note: do not cook with pineapple or strawberry, but fish & birds are ok)


Saturday 01MAR2014

·         Swim

·         Pay 2013 taxes or leave checks with exec admin

·         10AM Brunch with Craig & Lindsay at Redstone


Sunday 02MAR2014

·         Winterize car

·         Empty fridge

·         Take out trash

·         Don’t forget laundry in the dryer

·         Send birthday card to Grandpa H

·         1:15 Fly to NYC / LGA on Delta 1496, arrive 4:54pm in NYC



Must DOs: 

·         Retrieve Dr McDonald thyroid medical records for Dr Burmeister

·         Haircut & spa time

·         Ramen at Zenbox Izakaya with Lisa B

·         Time with Shilpa

·         Time with Kenny & Jen

·         Time with Michael and Pam

·         Time with Shabnam

·         Retrieve closing documents from safety deposit box

·         Retrieve mortgage payoff info

·         Schedule time with Financial Planner Joe

·         Update will to remove Belgium business but keep Belgium bank accounts, give copy to Financial Planner + Eric

·         Write out checks for exec admin Super Peggy, PAY HER J

·         Confirm receipt of passport after update

·         Retrieve vaccination info for Africa (yellow fever, typhoid, MMR, dptet)

·         Book Australia or hold off until later this year

·         Book Costa Rica

·         Confirm NYC lease terms

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